Bug 2 Dramas

I haven’t been active on blogging about it because I haven’t found any significant discovery or improvement related with our second bug.

I have been scratching my brains out for a while, and I am at a point where looking at the code only makes me feel numb. Part of me wants to give up on this bug, and part of me wants to hold onto it. It feels like I am in the middle of a relationship crisis where I am not sure if letting go is better than holding on; however, this bug is definitely not a relationship, so moving on …

So this bug which we initially thought was easy, actually turns out not easy. We first thought we have located the related code files, and assumed that we were going to work on the codes and fix it. Sounded like a good plan until we entered into the maze world of libre office with so many confusing files that could potentially be related to the problem we are working on. Below are a few of the files that we looked into (we don’t remember the rest of the files that we looked into, and seriously, staring into multiple lines of codes in tens of files certainly gives us a headache.)

The red colored line is our assumed culprit file as of now. But since we have gotten wrong hundred times before, I am not too positive like I used to with our first few guesses. 😦 sigh

  1. cellatr.hxx, cellatr.cxx
  2. swtable.hxx, swtable.cxx
  3. mergetbl.hxx, mergetbl.cxx
  4. tablemgr.hxx, tablemgr.cxx
  5. SwNumberTree.hxx, SwNumberTree.cxx
  6. number.hxx, number.cxx
  7. numbers.hxx, numbers.cxx (Not quite related; comphelper folder)
  8. numfmtlb.hxx, numfmtlb.cxx
  9. tblnumfm.hxx, tblnumfm.cxx
  10. num.hxx, num.cxx
  11. NumberingManager.hxx, NumberingManager.cxx (Not quite related; svx folder)
  12. tblenum.hxx

This blog is a general update to cover the work we did over the past two and a half weeks. More updates later.

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